Friday, August 22, 2008 -{'6:49 PM
Monday, August 04, 2008
Todae we celebrate Qianyi and Hahaha..nif's bdae. Qianyi's 17th bdae is yesterday and todae is hanif's 19th birthday. I am the first to wish him "happy birthday" in person. Felt so privileged. Haha.
First-up, we had GP debate. It is the battle between the sexes. The motion for the debate is: "Say 'NO' to globalization". We lost in the end. Sad :( I did not rebuttal during the cross-fire round. Ms rajan minus 1 point from those who did not speak up. I will definitely rebut the next time round.
PE is basically
BORING cos it's dancing! But nevermind, it will be over this Friday. I wan to play soccer or bball.
Maths is the worst. The noob teacher didn even have teaching skills. The Maclaurin's Series qn she taught I don't even understand. No she didn teach, just going through the tutorial but still
Went to far east to celebrate with hanif cos the rest are still having Chinese lesson…went opp the chicken rice stall which is gensen's favourite cos the chicken rice stall had their prices increase to such an extent that the next quantity did not give me much pleasure. The price elasticity of the food there also become highly price elastic.[econs stuff...yeah]. Hanif ate chicken chop rice. I ate muay fan. It's rice with mixed ingredient such as pork slices, pork liver, fish cake, veg and with starchy gravy. Repeat after me:
Muay Fan 

Friday, August 01, 2008
Had our last bball match against t17. the weather was freakin hot like 33 degree hotter than when we did our SPA(31.5) matthew was supposedly zai as he was the MVP for one match.even so we only lost to a small margin
26-35.it means we played really good. our teamwork improved alot. but debbie missed alot balls. seems like she cant shoot under pressure while my sister qianyi was the top scorer, under pressure. marcus missed his first layup. omg. his shooting became inaccurate after the 2nd half while his layups were zai but his blister tore. ouch!! Ben was serious this time round and he played very good, qiang alot of lanban. i still make same mistake :(
we will make our comeback next year! at least not lose all 4 matches.
thought will have something to eat at the svdp's bbq but teacher there, so cannot stay there. had two sotong balls in the end
Monday, August 18, 2008 -{'9:25 PM
Saturday, August 09, 2008
this year's national day parade's theme is: Celebrating the Singapore Spirit.
went to padang to celebrate nation's birthday by forming largest huamn national flag, approx 13000 ppl. according to the news, it rained
during NDP for the first time in 40 years. haiz. but that did not dampen our patriotic spirit for our country despite the heavy drizzle. wearing our pocho on, we continue celebrating
.let's enjoy some pics...

celebrating the edmund's spirit!!

rain incoming...

The Fly-Past. Salute to our national flag!
Mari kita rayat Singapura
Majulah Singapura!

aeronautics performances by RSAF Black Knights

We love Singapore!!

we really love Singapore!!

looks cool...

Friday, August 08, 2008
CJC Step Up Day-walkaton from sch to CCAB, taking the detour route. after the activity,
wasted lots of time deciding how to go orchard. boys wanted to go lan; girls wanted to watch movie. how hard to please...
eventually after lunch, some guys broke off from the gang. then walked to cineleisure, hoping to watch 2.50 dark knight show
but all sold out, leaving 6.40 show. there we wasted time on deciding whether to watch other movie. in the end, we watched the
mummy: tomb of the dragon emperor. we had the first row!! ouch, neck ache. we threw our bags in front of us as there was like
a huge area of space infront.

after the movie, walked to orchard point to buy starbucks coffee. only the rich ones bought. walked again towards PS. stop-by
a donut shop. jiaxin treat us to donut. nice!! met caroline at PS. was studying. mugger!! hanif said her elder sister was not bad
but found to be of same age as hanif. disappointing!! took mrt home.
what a walking day it is!!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
todae is a fun day, i think.we had game for SD.haha.the game is like snake and ladder but with charades and stuffs.
ryan hum a national day song but we couldn't make out wad is it.we were oso debating about the rythm of blaablaa black sheep and twinkle twinkle little star.
haha. interesting. it turned out there was a difference.overall it was the 'funnest' SD lesson ever. hope there can be more
of these type of activities (:
todae's econ lesson was fun too. mr nathan had his mood swing.aha.for once he was angry
and for the other second he was joking with us. suddenly he point at me and told me to take my bag and GET OUT!! i freeze for
a few seconds before i heard him say
get up and change place with somebody. that somebody turned to be debbie cos she
was found talking to yappy non-stop. so i moved to her seat and she moved to my seat.debbie said my chair was shaky and it sucks.
when the bell rang, nathan stood up from his chair. but nobody stand up to greet goodbye to him. he walked away silently,
without us even noticing he dismissal. i told yappy about that and she laughed. when he was out of sight, i celebrated with
a 'yeah'!
now coming to the exciting part of the day...physics lesson was darn boring. diffraction..diffraction..
halfway through the lesson, i heard a cracking sound and felt something shoke below my butt. i feel like faling off my chair.
did earthquake strike s'pore? i thought. it turned out that my chair broke. i dunno wad cause me to stand up, with my hands
holding on to the plastic part of the chair. i looked behind. at that instance, i heard the classroom filled with sound waves,
but particularly 'SISTER, aiyo...SISTER' diffracting into my ear drums. never felt so ma lu before. aiyo sister...
my evaluation is: may be debbie's fault. her additional weight caused the breakdown of my chair. but may be my 'man-ness' that
caused the chair unable to withstand. :)
during pe arvin did punishment for his big mouth for challenging mrs tan. punishment:
100 push-ups, 100 log-lifting. haha!! morale of story: keep your big mouth to yrself!
24 days to Nike Human Race 10K
please start training or you'll die, sister...(myself)
random pics --basketball rulz!!-- TEAM 1T31

Tuesday, August 05, 2008
todae's enthic lesson was conducted by vp,mr tan. thought will be a boring one, but it came out that it was quite fun.
he cracked jokes and made us laugh. the topic was Poverty. same as gp sia...one of the questions we were supposed to do were:"list 5 possesions that you wouldn't want give up..."
mr tan got all of us to say out. Zhengyi's ans was 'myself' and the whole LT LOL
next was maths ca.i lost 5 marks alrd. Die...arvin's stomach was groaning during the ca. can tell how hungry he was.
chem lect was next. and once again the Ms 'Chey' talked cock during the lect. she just dunno how to teach sia.
the rest of the was ok.i sang qing tian with debbie playing on the guitar. can perform on stage liao.. had chem and maths remedial. then went home...:) yeah! marcus bought choc for bball players in our class. thanks marc!
lawn bowl notice board was finally updated. all thanks to my publicity- clarine. good job. lao shi says lawn bowl farewell may be eating Seoul Garden. never eat b4. feeling excited.

me and my lao po.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Todae we celebrate Qianyi and Hahaha..nif's bdae. Qianyi's 17th bdae is yesterday and todae is hanif's 19th birthday. I am the first to wish him "happy birthday" in person. Felt so privileged. Haha.
First-up, we had GP debate. It is the battle between the sexes. The motion for the debate is: "Say 'NO' to globalization". We lost in the end. Sad :( I did not rebuttal during the cross-fire round. Ms rajan minus 1 point from those who did not speak up. I will definitely rebut the next time round.
PE is basically
BORING cos it's dancing! But nevermind, it will be over this Friday. I wan to play soccer or bball.
Maths is the worst. The noob teacher didn even have teaching skills. The Maclaurin's Series qn she taught I don't even understand. No she didn teach, just going through the tutorial but still
Went to far east to celebrate with hanif cos the rest are still having Chinese lesson…went opp the chicken rice stall which is gensen's favourite cos the chicken rice stall had their prices increase to such an extent that the next quantity did not give me much pleasure. The price elasticity of the food there also become highly price elastic.[econs stuff...yeah]. Hanif ate chicken chop rice. I ate muay fan. It's rice with mixed ingredient such as pork slices, pork liver, fish cake, veg and with starchy gravy. Repeat after me:
Muay Fan 

Friday, August 01, 2008
Had our last bball match against t17. the weather was freakin hot like 33 degree hotter than when we did our SPA(31.5) matthew was supposedly zai as he was the MVP for one match.even so we only lost to a small margin
26-35.it means we played really good. our teamwork improved alot. but debbie missed alot balls. seems like she cant shoot under pressure while my sister qianyi was the top scorer, under pressure. marcus missed his first layup. omg. his shooting became inaccurate after the 2nd half while his layups were zai but his blister tore. ouch!! Ben was serious this time round and he played very good, qiang alot of lanban. i still make same mistake :(
we will make our comeback next year! at least not lose all 4 matches.
thought will have something to eat at the svdp's bbq but teacher there, so cannot stay there. had two sotong balls in the end