it's a miracle that 2 PERSONS called me in the morning to ask for lawn bowls vacancies and stuffs. in total, 3 more PERSONS msged me, asking whether can join anot. haha, i just answered YES. it now seems like there are TOO many lawn bowlers now. we have lack of bowls... ): it will a record breaking day if we were to kick ppl out. i finally know why so many ppl ask for vacancies cos TMR they have to confirm the CCA they are in. HAH!! am i giving them empty promises? IDK...
Tomorrow is our HANDBALL inter class against T15!! As the captain of the team ( dunno since when did i become) as appointed by azman, i have to make sure there are enough players. still worried my players will bail on me ):): hope not or hope that it rain tmr... (:
tomorrow!! awaits for the 7 bands and the 14 ROCK songs they are going to perform for us.
todae i fucking pissed off!! I had no choice but to use the 'f' word. mary lim is such a bitch that she is having a menopause and that she still dunno!! know what is the fucking problem?! the first thing i reached there i was fucking pissed off by her.
she was asking like how many seniors came todae. then i answered 'many'. she fucking replied 'you're not answering my question.' FUCK. i walked away. clement witnessed to lah. WTF!!
this is the first time. rmb that. i endured that. volcano erupting soon, i swear.
later on, as gensen's bowls were taken by the J1s we went there to exchange. she then started talking cock. we were like saying there was not enough bowls for the j1s and so she asked how many seniors came sort of that. '9 people' that what i replied. i fucking know she was going to rebutt me in any fucking way that she can. guess wad she said? 'it's 9 PERSONS! pls have better english standard in front of me.' please lah, i know you are, no, you were, formerly afuckingGP teacher in cj. so wad?! BIG arh?! there is no need to be a fucking bitch right!! what's wrong with 9 PEOPLE????????????? gensen was like 'wad was her effing problem?' seriously none of us like her. the volcano nearly erupted but the rain cooled it down. even a buddha has his own temper already.
todae's training is a screwed up again. one hour only. i swear whenever she is there for training it will rain. i bet next week's X-COUNTRY will be a smooth one.
played 21 points and den poker at the netball there. no win no lose. haha. quite fun though. there is another good news. there are a lot of J1s turning up for lawn bowls todae. yay. i think it will break record if we were to take ppl out. haha. not enough bowls NOW!!! how how. not my business oso. hah. but priority to us seniors cos nationals in term 2.
pardon me for my many f***ings in the post. really had to venge my anger somewhere.
but at least there is a beautiful rainbow brightening my life up after the gloomy rain. saw a double one when boarding the bus.
todae is monday and todae is a great day. first up in the morning we were greeted by the passion of FLAME. after firing up my passion for science, i continued on to sports, which my passion for it will never die. it's Volleyball match. played a 7-8 guys match. finally knew the rules of the match like rotating roles. i performed better after the pe lesson when we played on our own. did my first spike and shoom it flew down the ground. cool shio...
oh ya, happy belated birthday Arvin. pity you did not eat the bdae cake.
went for the japan hiphop lesson todae from 5 to 6. only did like 24 beats of moves due to time constraint. the steps were very fast though, unlike those from LA hiphop. there will be LA hiphop lesson after CT. so those interested can join. think JK hiphop is not my style. LALA...
i think it's time to give up my passion for i think it's a one-sided love you gave me cold shoulder which i always wonder and so,
chem test today. thought will be gg but not as bad as i had thought. the questions are all do-able lah. but still i think i will fail. just feeling a bit pessimistic these days.
sudden hand ball inter class this afternoon. thought we would walk over cause too many people cannot play. but in the end we manage to find enough people. to our surprise, 2To8 walked over. Yeah...think they saw edmund loy, lawn bowls president then they scared. must be it. next week we will be playing against 2T15- K7, glenn, bjorn, megan they all. So guys, are we ready to show our 31 power?! lets rock the opponents down!!!
Even in my heart, I see
You're not bein' true to me
Deep within my soul, I feel
Nothing's like it used to be
1-Sometimes I wish I could, turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could, so bad, baby...
Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart
Before you tear us apart (With my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should've known from the start
Before you got in my heart (From my heart)
Quit tearing us apart (From my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I live my life the way
To keep you comin' back to me
Everything I do is for you
So what is it that you can't see?
(repeat 1)
Quit playing games, baby, baby
The love that we had was so strong
Don't leave me hangin' here forever
Oh baby, baby
This is not a lie, let's stop this tonight
Baby, ooh..
Quit playing games
Na, na,
Na na na na na naaah
J1s orientation starts. traffic jams in the morning. didnt felt much of excitment from the orientation. seems a bit boring.
took photos of mr tay during his lesson. will be the epic photo of the year among the teachers. heehee.
CCA Bazzar. not much freedom to walk ard sch. sianz sia... but still manage to walk ard with siyuan and hanif. my booth just sucks man... nvm lawn bowls rocks anw.
omg, bowling?! lol
that's javis on top there! raining at that time shio...
lawn bowls training followed by our weekly bitching session @ Kallang Leisure Park. bitched for abt 2 hrs and we went back to somewhere( over the rainbow) respectively. went to town to meet marc and his friends and siyuan. alighted the bus at cine but in the end meeting point at wheelock NYDC. bloody hell walked all the way to there but still reach earlier than the rest. ZOMG!! didnt expect them to walk so slow but i forgot all about siyuan's slow mo. i reserved 5 seats. it came out to be 8! wah... marc, jf, dan ho the bdae boy, AZH, siyuan, qianyi(unexpected), hanif and myself. zhi hui is the laughing stock of the century. he cried bcos the food was nice. duh. went lido to further celebrate Dan's bdae. we sing happy bdae damn loud can, i think the whole of the top floor can hear us sing. rofl. walked to ps and then to tuition. first lesson for me. marc told me b4 hand that the conditions there abit unbelieveable. the truth is, it's really sort of horrible but the tutor quite good. manage to learn faster than siyuan even though that's like my first lesson which i had miss one alrd on complex nos.
birthday boy Dan
the ultimate ah lian! zomg!! the difference btwn an ah lian and qianyi the bear, the moose and the pig!!
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. Love, like a river, will cut a new path whenever it meets an obstacle.
. . . . .
I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name on my study desk, but the aunty wiped it away. I wrote your name on my foolscap paper, but ppl take it away. I craved your name on the ice. but it melt away. haizzz... I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay. yeah...