♥ lawn bowls competition
Friday, March 27, 2009 -{'7:51 PM

games fixture for this year.
we are participating in the National Pairs. ((((:
Labels: lawn bowls
-{'6:23 PM
sunday- 22/3
went to sentosa with siyuan, qianyi, gensen, marc and edouard.
played beach volleyball there. got thrashed by some random youngster there by three games straight. but we got real close in the second and third game. lost by some tactical errors. haha...
mon- 23/3
siyuan lost her handphone...
got back common tests result.
tue- 24/3
got back more disgusting results...eeee
PE- drain walk. cool siol... whole shoes soaked wet wet...had to climb up the steep slope after the drain walk and doing push-ups in between the drain before that. my random buddy broke down as buddy could not climb up. our class then cheered her on. all the boys slide down again to give her encourage. in the end, the only odacer in our class made steps for her to climb up. phewww...
it appear to be going to rain. lightning strikes and thunder sounds. but it just never rain. what a day. lawn bowls wednesday training has always been much 'awaited'. first it rain like cock around school area. but kallang just never rain. just a look at mary lim will make me puke. seriously... i bet the j1s are suffering under her coaching.
thurs- 26/3
girls napfa test.
helped qianyi and capri to pace me. poor thing the two girls were like suffering. by the second round qianyi looked very pale and on the verge of fainting. after 4 rounds, i called javis for reinforcement. luckily javis was beside qianyi as she threw up. ran (maybe jog) for 7 rounds. next is boys' training. actually do not want to run. asked azman whether he running and he said slow run, 10.30 pace. arh f it lah, he ran damn fast. but it is my first time that i felt so shiok running cause there is the constant motivation from him and his pacing. ended with a 10.41 timing. hmm not too bad though, considering that i had wasted like one-third of my energy from the first half of the running. continued playing volleyball after pe. oh man, i must be crazy. got a headache in the afternoon due to lack of salts i think...
went ps levis shop to shop for carl's bdae present according to ed special offer. boo, ps don have. walked ard with sy, marc and ed. then decided to cab to suntec's levis. finally got it. yeah.
had our best cake smashing todae. this time round, it's the whole head that is in the cake. what a pity half of the cake gone like this... continued with tau pok-ing on class at the end of the day. i learnt smart by jumping last. luckily not before nat as his body mass and velocity down is really too great.
Friday, March 20, 2009 -{'12:29 PM
any one knows how to recover data from memory card??
aarrrggh. my batam photos are gg unless someone help me
♥ Great Day
-{'11:56 AM
went to gensen's house yesterday to swim. thought there will be more people there. but in the end only nat and ryan went. well 4 ppl is sometimes better.
swam swam and swam. then we went to suana. HOT siol. sweat like pig! (like hanif) i think i lost 1 kg alrd lah. damn it lah, i alrd under weight le... we stayed inside for more than 15 mins till we couldn't take it anymore. then we went to steam room. there even worse, couldn't even see anything. felt like breathing in water vapour and breathing out the same thing too. went straight to jacuzzi. quite shiok there. from there we jumped straight in to the normal pool. wa damn cold. began doing hand stand in the pool. ryan cmi lah..
went off first to my sec sch class gathering at Bullion Park, now debb's house and formly marc's house. the world has changed...alot. those kuai kids i used to know now began to smoke... I HATE people who smoke!!
swam again at night.
smoke offLabels: holiday
♥ Batam trip
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 -{'11:37 PM
went for the batam recee trip the day before with marc.
we met at harbourfront mrt station together with augie and matthew tay from T29.
we then went to harbourfront centre, where we were supposed to meet at the information counter. marc went to macs and bought breakfast. saw ms ng walked past. i waved. she waved back. we then went to the information counter nearest to the entrance of the centre with ms ng there. we then realise, after like quite a long time, that the rest are at the other information counter. according to mr tan ht msg, we were supposed to meet at the info counter. but in the end they were at the Singapore Cruise Centre (SCC) info counter instead. but nvm...
there is also t23 ppl, freddie and marcus tan too with their home tutor ms fan. gabriel wee's t29 and last but not least tan ht. oh ya, still got one tour guide who is working at he resort that we are going to stay in during our trip.
we checked at about 8.15 am. according to the boarding pass, the gate opened at 8.30 and final call at 9.15 and departure time is 9.30. which means we had to wait for one hour for the ferry. after waiting for that hour, it's gonna to be another hour of ride there. cam-whored at the SCC with our bunch of toilet paper lest we would shit there due to any unhygienic circumstances. took wrong pictures of the ferry but still managed to capture the name of the ferry that we took. it got a nice name. ASEAN RAIDER II. sounds like name of a racing horse. haha. watched kungfu panda but was a silent one.
Harbour Bay Seafood Restaurant
finally, after one hour of bumpy ride. took a mini van to our first stop of the day-Harbour Bay Seafood Restaurant. as it name suggests, it had really great eating atmosphere and wonderful sea view. sumptuous meal i must really agree. it just simple dishes like chilli crab, steam fresh fish, cereal prawn, gong-gong, calamari, fried kang-kong, their special fried rice which is really nice, fried noodle, sweet cooling coconut juice, bowl of soup. ya that's all. actually not alot lah... -_- heard from tan ht, 13 bucks per head for this meal. one word to describe it - SHIOK !! don't worry my friends, we will be having our meal there on our last day. FEAST TIME!!
Purajaya Beach Resort
our second stop to the resort where we will be staying. checking out of facilities and the room and everything... had cocktail refreshment when we reached there. then we went checking out the type of conference rooms they had. as we walked down, we can see a clear sea view. there is also a water slide thingy in the middle. there are many facilities there--a BEACH VOLLEYBALL court, lots of empty space and sand and beach, tennis court, street soccer court if we request, a rather pathetic gym, punching bag, table tennis table...next up to the rooms we are staying. a typical 4-Stars room i must say. 2 Queen size beds, sea view (see if you are lucky enough to get a good room), nice toilet. the accomodation is going to be like 4 people per room. went on to see the teacher's room- a King size bed. UPGRADE WEAPON--went on to a Executive Suite, ES code name for us. again, as the name suggests,it's just executive suite lah =_= i am sure you all can imagine how luxurious it looks like. back to reality...sad thing is the guys and girls are separated into two different wings. ):
Al Fateh orphanage
our third stop to our first orphanage that we are exploring.
run down
lots of incompleted construction like classrooms, tiling of the floor, leaking zinc rooftops
Darul Falah Orphanage
fourth stop.
what they lacked? educational materials
what we need to do? white-washing, ventilation prob
008 orphanage
fifth stop.
mainly interacting with the kids there
sixth stop-hardware shop if we were to buy anything.
bucket: small-5k M-10K and 15K
paint brush: 10K, 15, 30 K
a pair of gloves: 2.5K
a freaking pair of scissor--6ooo rupiah
back to my heaven resort to have our HIGH TEA... fried beehoon, fried chicken wings, fried vegetable cake, their traditional kueh and fruits. of course there is coffee and tea, or it won't be called high tea for a reason.
long trip back to the ferry terminal. finally had the chance to take a nap on the bumpy van. shopping tie once we reached there. bought many things. bought Dove and Pantene conditioner for my mum and anyone who needs it, toothbrushes, bathing foam, snack, bubble gum. things there are really CHEAP. toothbrush for 80 cents SIN, colgate brand. bathing foam 80 cents the one i using in sch now, conditioners 1 plus to 2 plus sin...
another one hour ride.
Home sweet Home
we, marc and I, will be doing lots of things when sch reopens regarding ocip. hope can seek everyone's cooperation. oh ya, we will also be planning your accomodation. so ppl be nice to me from now on if you don wan to share your three nights with the one you don like -__- our decisions are final. we will also plan for the whole trip, including night time activities and our shopping time.
went out today for a breath of fresh air with clarine, the organiser, ryan, gensen, marc, qianyi and marilene. had lunch at food republic and proceed to cine to catch a movie since ages ago. too bad ryan got cca and my had to leave for some piano thingy. RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN- quite nice and hilarious, especially when you see 'the rock's' funny face. worth the 6 dollars cause it is like 2 hours.. went up to Level 9 to play table soccer. my first time to level 9. had exciting games of soccer and it's worth the money. certainly a good way to relieve stress. another shiok arh...clarine went off to buy black shoes for work tmr and qianyi went home. i think she is quite tired after the 2 days science camp. went down one level to play pool. epic won all the games i played. SHIOK SHIOK arh!! marc epic-ly lost to me twice when he was busy catching me up. but i just hit in the black ball mercilessly. epic-ly again, marc lost to gensen, twice again. this time, no both time, gensen made use of edouard gensen tactic, to let marc shoot in and he will also shoot in the black ball.. joke siol..
will be watching dragonball evolution tmr...whoa movie marathon ftw!!
Labels: batam, holiday
♥ black and white
Monday, March 16, 2009 -{'6:23 PM
Batam trip yesterday.
will do presentation to the class and choose which orphanage to help out.
we must know the difference between right and wrong. seriously, sometimes, we must really know our own limits, or else things will go very wrong. the dark side is always more attractive than the bright ones, but normally it is always the good one who will claim the final victory. the dark one will lose terribly.
The good one will bring peace and harmony cos they are righteous.

night sky @ Bishan.
bishan rocks...
Labels: thoughts
♥ screwin' up for common test, that's SO COMMON
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 -{'3:12 PM
Chemistry today. It's the feeling of having all the organic compounds got stucked in your head, PGD and everywhere and letting it out after common test. but before you know anything, you've failed chem. swear why is organic chem happening every moment here and there so much so that we have to know all the facts about it. Aarrhhh!
SO, when we know we are going to fail, or maybe get a S for CHEM, we went out for a celebration for the Us that we are getting. Up and up to the newly opened food court at PS. standard for lunch- Indo BBQ chicken (ayam _____ ). recommended siyuan. money back guarantee. " not nice i pay for your meal.." that's wad i said to her. Woots, luckily i do not need to treat her siol...
lastly, took a group photo-- us failing chem cam-whoring.
epic clement...

Labels: exam
♥ It's starting to grow
Monday, March 9, 2009 -{'9:19 PM
START OF COMMON TEST TODAY!!i think i screwed up my GP essay. arh, hack care lah. but i think my AQ is okay for the first time. seriously crap a lot. it's fun too!! at least my physics is
VERY okay. almost half of the paper from CA can...the clement arh didnt study the ca cos he say it would be like memorising. lol. i think i can get ay least C ba or better... heehee
(:joined chem tuition at capri's house today. a bit of last min revision but today's lesson doesn't help that much except i have mastered amines and proteins. one less topic to study. oh, my ionic equil oso solid le...heehee...
study hard people.
remember our goal--
NO Us for our CTs!!
sign off . bye ppl. muz rmb hor, NO Us... ...arhhhh batam, i am waiting for you...batam, i am in love with you...the seafood lunch lah!! tsk.Labels: exam, random, school
Saturday, March 7, 2009 -{'4:01 PM
06-03-09the worst person being caked so far! too bad she is the cake IC. almost all of her face is filled with the strawberry cream. i nearly thio-ed caked too. luckily for the big bear i was holding onto. cos they don dare to dirty siyuan's bdae present. relieve.
(:went back home with capri after celebration cos the rest are taking their A-level Chinese result. Firstly, congrats to those with excellent grade.
secondly, cheer up Ben! heehee...
oh, did not join the rest to town and for dinner with the bdae gal cos of ... ...
miscommunication ba.
07-03-09Kbox session with dan, jf, zhihui, marc, qy and sy, as they planned.
i rejected their offer to join them. haha, but my throat isn't feeling well to sing those songs that i like, especially Jay chou songs. hope they have fun there. marc called me saying dan zh and jf missed me and wanted me to be there. lol. i go there oso waste my money cos it is like i sing for a few hrs only.
COMMON TESTS in TWO MORE DAYS!!did not feel any stress coming yet. maybe a little after GP paper and Physics.
instead looking forward to my recee trip in Batam.
seafood lunch, oh seafood lunch, don bail on me and give me veg and meat...
Labels: random, siyuan