Tuesday, July 21, 2009 -{'8:42 PM
so Tiramisu took the same bus as me today. though we were one seat apart, i could feel her presence as though t was beside me. then we changed bus at jalan tp. got one stupid guy squeeze through the entrance earlier, causing me to stand one person away from her, again. she was late today, but i am not. that's all. signing off.
glad that for my gp clinic will be changed from 2 to 3 for even weeks. but odd weeks, darn sad, have to wait for 2 hours.
Friday, July 17, 2009 -{'11:12 PM
watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince yesterday. it was a good movie but not that fantastic when compared to the book, of course. the movie left out many parts and scenes in the book. but overall still NICE, especially when you get to see emma watson (:

fight back,you coward
♥ Enlightenment
Monday, July 13, 2009 -{'4:43 PM

suay-ness, wad it does to us
when one is in a really unlucky streak, things can really be a nuisance. all things in life seem to be against you. maybe even the oxygen molecules that you are breathing in just don get used up in the blood by the hemoglobin...or maybe the bus just kept running off in front of you when you in a rush.
sick. clinic for a reason
couldn't believe i would survive gp clinic today. scheduled at 3 pm, i had to wait for two hours before the clinic opens for business. the whole thing about wasting two hours of precious nap time. had to go on like this till whoever knows when it will end.
westernization = civilization? according to Locke, western cultures defines civilization. went on giving some challenging points against wad the author had said.
brain dead~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cursed of the deathly H1N1
this month of July is a cursed month.
first of all, i sprained my leg.
marc's lung leaked
sports carnival cancelled for good.
even a small thing seems unlucky to me.
just now, just today, i lost my collar pin stud.
omg i have been wearing that flame for one and a half years and it decided to disowned me.
eeeww, the impact it does
today, which is the day when the most horrible, disgusting and horrendous result came in.
boom. right into us, and me.
' no matter how hard i try, it is still the same result, failing subject by subject.
it comes to a point when i feel numb, helpless and apathetic
and that it is not worth while continuing to work hard,
or even harder,
to achieve wad the society wants us to become into
under the lemon tree
Remember the days, we set out together with faith? |
Remember the times, so fine, when we thought that |
Nothing could stand in our way? |
| Then things weren't the same, the life that we knew had to change |
| We've struggled through, the darkest storms |
| We thought we couldn't tame |
Together we've tried, as we stood side by side |
I knew we'd build a new world |
A world of hope for ever after |
Deep in my heart I just know |
Right from the start, we will grow |
Look where we are, we've come so far |
And there's still a long, long way to go |
With all of my heart, I will care |
I'll play my part, I will share |
With family and friends, together we'll stand |
And in the end, hand in hand |
We will get there |

Saturday, July 11, 2009 -{'11:49 PM
went out to eat ytd after school. i think i wouldn't eat waraku anymore not that worth though. or maybe i not used to those stuff. taka-ing there. got the food fiesta at the taka square. walked ard and got lost amongst those delicious food. stopped by one ice-cream stall and sampled the highest alcohol contained ice cream. darn nice. 5.60 one scoop...
at the ngee ann atrium, there is the rehearsal for the syf concert from different schools. there will be performances today and tmr. stunned to see joshua there as micee.
went for tuition today. saw marc's wound at his left chest. glad he can breathe again. haha. marc is sad that qy was sicked too. haiz so fated, in a good way.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 -{'11:13 PM
went marc's new condo to slack b4 going to tuition. walked around orchardcentral, the newly opened shopping mall. it's huge with scary all-transparent lift (except the floor) watched some road-show performance which they played with fire. then explore around. went Sony shop play ps3, went up to the rooftop night view of orchard, walked around then went apple shop and listened to the Bose headphone. darn solid the headphone. total sound-cancelling. but dont know how much it cost.
play l4d expert mode for the first time. hard can. cannot friendly-fire your team mates or they die. wanna have l4d on my com
cool day out. first to marc's condo again-watch HArry poTTer goblet of fire, swam, did nonsense shit, gymed, danced and lunch at macs. way to edouard's condo. rained. played video game went table-tennis and squash. sprained my ankle. bathed, guitar hero, sumptous dinner-curry chicken, stew beef, pork belly, fish, veg, roti prata and rice. more of guitar hero. take bus home and slept on the bus. walked like idiot home.
decided not to go school. ate breakfast at 6.40am. felt that i couldn't walk much then decided to pon sch with valid reason. changed back my uniform and went back to sleep. went to see chinese physician at chung hwa. had acupuncture on my leg, 3 needles and heater on to warm my ankle.
back to school with my swollen leg. much chemistry tutorial to catch up but i finished YaY.
sprain off
Saturday, July 4, 2009 -{'11:28 AM
went kbox ytd with qianyi, my, sy and capri. had a wonderful time singing till my throat went crazy. lucky there wasnt enough time for more of my jay chou songs or else they will sound awful.
as a trend or wad you call, i asked them to have the opening song as i always had, 对面的
女孩看过来。through this session, i found out that different type of songs can bring out different type of feelings in each of us. when we sing a 'lecture' song like 稻香, our mood will be influenced by the mv, music and lyrics. singing this song gave us the feeling that we've got a happy childhood and the importance of home. a happy song gives us happy mood and so on. but wad really scared us is the second last song which we saw someone 落下感性的泪水. oh man, look how powerful the lyrics of the song can be to make people tear.
to change the mood, it's back to the my trend of singing a high song for the last the finale
oh, we also sang 撑腰 but we cant find Nobody. sad sadLabels: kbox
♥ we're free
Thursday, July 2, 2009 -{'10:43 PM
finally it's over.
the mye.
the decepticons.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
Awesome!! the story just goes so well. the funny parts are really really funny, the sad parts really sad especially when Optimus died. i like the twin autobots as well as the motor car decepticon which turned to autobots' side. aww. the way he hugged Mikaela's leg and whine is just so cute :)