♥ everyday...
Friday, January 30, 2009 -{'11:13 PM
went to lawn bowls without much anxiety
cuz do not wan to see that old lady
who will spoil my lovely day
how am i to play?
happiness level: damn high!!
coach not here again!! that means match for us. freedom too... to my horror, lao shi said:" for the singles, the winner will receive an ang bao of $10 while the LOSER will receive $4 ang bao." such a nice lao shi. my first ever lao shi to give a real ang bao with money inside sia. we, as a lawn bowls team, promise to be nice to our nice lao shi. not capping the word loser on purpose :)
i VS arvin. i beat him lah, of course. :)

the highest difference in score. COOL :)
cam-whored there and took some photos there too. i think this is the nicest.

mass pe todae. like hell. ran 2.4 km on the track. been ages since i ran on the track. the feeling to run fast sucks man. i am dying of thirst when we are doing the last exercise- GST. my throat felt the dryness. i did a total of 16 chin-ups. wahsei, tired! eh, siyuan you must do 1o inclined if i do 10 chin-ups OK? take it as a yes! ate 2 mandarin oranges before and after pe to give me sugar rush. obviously it didnt give much help.

the villian being handcuffed. the princess is safe and sound.
short school day. cool.
designed the photo frame thingy for our junior class. sorry caroline for messing yr calculation of how many photos to stick on it. nobody tell me not to draw on the border. but i just drew and drew, there it goes, my beautiful end-product. think is quite nice cuz marc keep praising me. shy lah...
went shopping with gensen, clarine, ______ . had low lunch with clement too. that person who could not be named bought a bag. oops, shall not continue le.

lesbian tendency: 200%
my heart is broken and cannot be fixed.
there will still be cracks that will leave a scar and will never heal...
A scar so deep
that will never heal
Only time will tell.
Only time.
Time is ignorant
Time is worthless
What is time?
tell me my friend,
is time the only cure?
I beg to differ thy friend.
Thou shan't be so ignorant.
Time is precious.
Time IS of worth.
For if there is no time,
this world would be chaotic.
Maybe someday,
thou shall understandth what is time.
Be patient thy friend,
be patient.
shall allow me to understand,
The contradiction is oh so present.
Show me the way.
Show me.
It will. It will.
Worry not thy friend.
Time will show you,
time will guide you.
Guide you in this path of twisted life
of many exits and entrances
where Men are actors
and the world is their stage.

Labels: school
♥ Time for Joy
Monday, January 26, 2009 -{'1:46 AM

Happy Lunar Niu Year!! have fun with the cows!!

reunion dinner- shiok shiok shiok... seems like having another buffet again. apart from the sushi, this time round is all the standard ingredients that we have for steamboat. the prawn is very big. i like it.

after reunion dinner, we went to the flower nursery at thomson road to tour around and shop for flowers, if there is any. we proceeded to the first nursery and for the rest of the time we are stucked there, for there is too big and many varieties to choose from. took lots pictures there. cam-whored too. in the end, we had our prize posessions- one bamboo flower pot, a bunch of flower from aussies, three pots of plants. WooTs! saw some cows when we reached home. make friends with them too. their names are on their body. they are friendly and nice. you can be their friends too.
let's enjoy some of the photos that I took.

my sis.



Roses are
Violets are
Sugar is sweet;
And so are
you.My dearest Miss,
I send thee a kiss;
for I fall for You,
Vday's coming soon.
Labels: cny celebration, thoughts
♥ CNY celebration
Saturday, January 24, 2009 -{'10:25 PM
celebration for chinese new year todae. there are many activities planned for us-concert, loh yusheng, potluck and our own class outing. in the morning, all of us brought some food and drinks and everything that is needed for the potluck. after morning assembly, we proceed to the PAC for cny celebration. CJDance and ODAC performed for us and they were fantastic. after the awesome concert, we went back to class and then to the canteen, just in time for the lion dance performance. caroline also presented a pair of mandarin oranges to our new home tutor ms ng. she is able to join in the fun with us. so COOL!! we had the YUM SENG too. initial is the only four of us doing- caroline, debb, hanif and I. then the whole class joined in.
'Yuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SENG!' lol, the rest of the classes followed us after we did the first yum seng in school. YUSHENG, lau ah lau, lau ge feng shen shui qi, lau ge xue ye jing bu! (i think that's most impt for us) the white radish got all over my hand. lol. it's nice still. and the potluck continues....to the class in the end... we also celebrated the dec babies' bdae. though it's a bit late. as the tradition of T31, we caked all of them. marc is the worst! he got 2 round of cake. it's time for the truth. rmb gensen and i was standing beside marc to get ready to cake him, when gensen caked him alrd, jq pushed me and the cake dropped to the floor. and that's where the 2nd round of cake came from. sorry marc. haha. you still alive. it is only that your face is extra oily.
went cine to have sushi buffet. only qy siyuan marc and me plus jinfei and dan. the rest wanted to watch movie so they went for ala carte instead. we ordered hell lot of food ranging from sashimi to handrolls to meat to handrolls again to everything that's in the menu. talk alot of crap from 'se dou ya' to 'shit' to ' nu yong, nan yong, chen yong' and 'boyfriend'. HAHA :D:D. went to play pool with marc's friend and gensen caroline debb hanif. then went to ps to have a little conference. secret!

somewhere over the rainbowblue birds flyyellow birds flygreen birds flyred birds fly and rainbow birds flylol -_-'
thank you T31!
thank you kapew for your hard work!! we really like that very much.

thank you siyuan
aka leader sister mama bimbo.

went shopping with hanif todae! he spent over 200 bucks sia. hard drive, cardigan, colonge, bag. wth! cannot fight with him, i only bought a bag, printer ink refill. not forgetting ytd's magnetic ear studs. you celebrating new year or me arh??
Labels: cny celebration
♥ Gentlemen
Thursday, January 22, 2009 -{'6:44 PM
Teacher: Gentlemen..Reply: Ooiii..Teacher: Are You Ready?
Reply: EVER READY!!Teacher: How many more?
Reply: MANY MANY MORE!!Teacher: How are you feeling?Reply: WONDERFUL!!Teacher: Got sweat?
Reply: No SWEAT!!Teacher: Is It Tough
Reply: NOT ENOUGH!!Teacher: How far?
Reply: All The Waytoday's pe is SHIOK AH!! we did a total of 4 sets of physical conditioning, 10-min run, 3 GST. i ran with Eddie all the way. it's good to stick with him. cuz we are both EDDIES. EDDIES give you wings. our timing was 9:05. Shiok ahh...4 sets of conditioning-- 100 push-ups, ±100 sit-ups, ±80 frog exercise(dunno wad's tt called, it is: lying down on yr belly and upper body moving up only, with hands supporting chin. it trains yr belly/pacs), ±100 jumping jacks. That's all.we also received 15 hong baos. we are to shout 1 hong bao, 2 hong bao, 3 hong bao..... 15 BIG hong bao ONLY for our last 15 push-ups. JOKE sia...maybe this is the most interesting part of pe.Labels: mass pe
♥ mass PE
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 -{'10:52 PM
mass pe ytd was FUN! so fun that i am in love with mass pe now. haha just joking sia! almost couldn't make it for the 11-min run round the sch. shit my running
lagged like hell lot. must train alrd...as usual the PT was quite ok lah. think that wasn't enough for us. only 10 push-ups per set. i think bcuz it's only the first PT that's why.
we going to get it tmr morning. i wonder if i can run in the morning and withstand more strenuous exercise :(
dozing off for the first half of the programme. amazingly stayed awake during the PSG part. should have slept during that part too...
waste of my time for me to sleep.
sleep is the best medicine.it can cure all diseases, including love-sick.effects not guaranteedside-effects not knowntry that at your own risk!!Labels: mass pe
♥ BBQ At Marc's House
Sunday, January 18, 2009 -{'9:43 PM
todae's bbq @ east coast. well, it was damn fun! recap of wad had happened.
after cca training, clement, gensen and i went to gensen's house cuz we going to bbq straight away. took mrt and bus to marine parade NTUC to meet marc, siyuan and qianyi to buy all the stuffs. shopped around the ntuc and bought 60 over bucks worth of stuffs. went over to marc's house to prepare the stuffs. due to our laziness, we decided to have the bbq there. soon, aud arrived at marc's house. then jq came along. he was stucked outside the gate. we tried shouting his name from 16 storey but to no avail. he later banged his way through the gate. oh, i oso managed to banged through the gate twice.
went to the poolside and slack while waiting for the pizza to arrive. nice pizza anw. we all chiong-ed the pizza first cuz we were all hungry. called for SOS to start the fire. guess who? he's marc's uncle again! other ppl started to arrive too.
our highlight of the day-poolside! our plan was to push jq into the pool. used ed as bait to get close to the pool. but in the end, ed fell into pool first. but that oso meant THE END for jq. soon all the guys were drenched. but we all know that was FUN.
went over the ed's house after everything. the aroma of cookies overwhelmed us upon our arrival. his house damn nice lah. a 52-inch lcd tv. cool. play Wii. i got the toilet paper few times. good hand exercise i must say.
Yeah, the Eddies.
picture courtesy of qianyi.
Labels: bbq at marc's
♥ First Day At School, Lawn bowls carnival
Monday, January 12, 2009 -{'11:18 PM
We all survived the first day of school todae!!
TODAY, marks a historical day and year too. but why?... JC students start school only on TODAY 12 JAN 2009. This year, there will be NO more PAE exercise. NO PAE means no 3 months of fun and experiences in JC life. TODAY, release of O's Level results. Lastly, the J1s will report on 2 Feb. haha so early. many of its first time in 2009...
manage to survive through the long talk by bro during the assembly. that's the first thing. 2 hours of SD with our new home tutor Ms Ng. admin stuffs.
our new
HTC: Caroline
DC: Zhengyi
PCC: Marc ( haha, you pcc..)
the more significant ones... we spent much time deciding who to be wad cuz almost half of class are CCA leaders. she don wan us to be in CMC if we have a post in CCA. our classroom is big and spacious and have a good view, facing the track and field. all because we are in J block. hope we all have a smooth year ahead. and ya, we've got the whole sch to ourselves for two weeks. let's enjoy it guys!!

hey B-I-M-B-O
don't be emo
there will soon be rainbow awaiting for you
for you bimbo
by himbo
Lawn bowls carnival..
felt great after playing with the 'experienced' players for 7 hrs. had seen some of their true colours finally, especially my current coach. he won six games out of six. GODLIKE! I wasn't bad after all. the best among the cjc lawn bowlers, to be accurate. I won 4 games out of 6. we played triple and my team( teamed for 4 games, we changed team every 2 games) lost to coach's team to a 1-point margin. ZOMG!!! OMFG!! nvm, he is my coach after all.
hoped to trained with all my heart this year. nationals coming up after CNY. and also games in aussie.
Labels: lawn bowls, school
♥ CJC Open House 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009 -{'5:20 PM
CJC OPEN HOUSE 2009 has fnally come to an end! after an exciting 5-hr day at CJ...
first up, i bought lunch for my classmates.
then the SC complained to lao shi that my booth was not there. but how on earth did they expect me to set up my booth with only one table and one chair. what's more, my ONLY chair went missing after a few hours after i had set up my booth. haiz...i cannot but keep emphasizing the efficienciness(if there is such word) of SC of CJ!! went to collect lawn bowls from lao shi and head towards quadragle. to my horror, my ONLY table left was being used as safekeepers for watches. those idiotic ppl who everyday do nothing but play frisbee just put their watches and valuables on my pathetic table. should have steal all of them!! went on to take canteen table and bench for my booth. damn heavy the table! xiao ming's poster was ok. but my publicity exco member clarine went MIA the moment she reached my booth. actually me myself also went mia most of the time, thanks to siyuan who keep on pulling me around the sch. but it is better than staying at the booth which nobody will visit. haha. i would like to thank xiao ming and arvin whom stayed at the booth when i wasn't around. haha...
began touring around the sch with siyuan at ard 1-2 something. first we began with interact and guzheng. brother gave us their poster and we tagged them on our shirt. also took some guzheng namecards. gave them along the way including LAWN BOWLS! on we go to the auditorium to visit SVDP booth. i played baminton with my friend jit yong. sweat it out, baby! went all the way to the grand stand, met mrs tan, said there will be bball dance performance at 230 pm. went to PAC to visit hanif( MCS booth) and MY( bowling) . Wii bowling is so fun, but not playing with my of course!! walked all the way from the canteen to MPH to the tennis court to visit ed. they are having training. omg. but the good thing is that they have a BIG party there with lots lots lots of food. wadever food you can imagine is there. as you all would know, siyuan started eating the food there. my came too. ed started suan-ing us cuz we were eating the food there. we had no choice but to use our ultimate weapon-we began sharing with his mates abt his whole story when he was drunk...siyuan can't stop eating and drinking till i pulled her away at 230 pm. arrived back at my booth. juz in time to watch the cj bballers perform the dance in the show lan qiu huo. (siyuan screammmm!!!)
we were in the PAC at one moment which i dunno when. but nvm, we were in huge group. wowow. as all would expect, it's principal's talk first then the performance that everyone's awaiting for. cam-whored. that's US!!

siyuan's sharp fingernails

i think we went back to booth. then went the mass dance. Woots, i danced with clement! jealous huh hanif?! who ask you to ps us...(: siyuan partnered with qy. we went damn high that we started shouting abt and maybe whinging with siyuan! more of exciting performances being performed like the bball dance again and the dance. they were so good lah. the performance was actually performed during the prom night. WOOTS. popping, hip-hop, street jazz, contemparory, reggae...everything is in it. that Qing huang is so BIMBO lah!! he sure makes a good friend of siyuan!! haha...
took neoprint. yea i remembered. nice, like countdown like that...

the packing up sucks man. only arvin and i. luckily he was there. eff the canteen table man. screw the cca banner. haha. heard from lao shi that was five generations ago. packup packup and we went to PS, hoping for manhattan. ya right. full house. oh first pastamania. in the end 4 separate tables at the food court. so cool la...chill out at starbucks after dinner. oh man lots of tables and chairs for us...
that was our biggest class outing so far. hope more can join next time! maybe we should just make reservation...
more video at facebook T31 network
Labels: CJC Open house 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009 -{'8:24 PM
BAND CONCERT--Harmonie IIBand concert on Tue was FANTASTIC!! not only the overall performance was good, but also can see ajc ppl and other friends too. I met my primary sch friend Gabriel Chee from VJC/VS whom now gensen know...haha. my other pri sch friend peiting from ajc was also performing.
I was initially told to meet at orchard mrt at 530 by marc but the stupid nif says 430. in the end he himself was late for 35 mins lah...me and QY were like standing there like idiots waiting for him lah. bad hanif. oh ya, qy wanted to buy flower for siyuan, the BIM-BO. A STALK. how? orchard don sell a stalk of flower. thanks to my intelligence, i suggested cold storage at Taka. also went there to meet marc and his friends like jinfei and others(i forgot their names, jinfei is like my sec friend you see, so ya..) bought 5 stalks of flower i think is diasy or wad.?
at the bus stop opp far east...
waiting for my for her arrival.
waiting for gensen and ed to arrive from far east.
waiting for marc and his friend to buy dinner from far east.
nat and ryan appear at the bus stop out of nowhere.
missed 3 buses to CJC cuz of WAITING...
took 132 to upp thomson rd to eat prata. recommended by ME!!
ate over 40 bucks of prata... wow.
SC are really inefficient. sucks all time.
waited for 15 mins to collect ONE table and ONE chair. dash underscore dash. -_- bet this year's orientation will not be fun...oops i juz said that.
my Lawn Bowls booth has only ONE table and ONE chair. ALLAMAK!! How?! gonna go sch tmr earlier to 'steal' tables and chairs. hung up the cca banner alrd. looks darn
BIG can..! i wonder how many generations had it been past down. the colour had run off alrd lah. but who cares...I still have one more small banner or poster tmr--done by xiao ming!!! OMG, the VP of lawn bowls is finaly doing something...let's pray that the poster is... at least presentable..haha..
i saw my only chair missing at my booth when going back... sobs...
-''__''-CJC Open House tomorrow!!time: 1 to 6pm2T31 will be meeting for dinner after the whole event. yeah.refer to my sms.Labels: cca open house
Friday, January 2, 2009 -{'1:43 AM
Happy New Year to all!!
May all your wish come true.
countdown @ Marina Bay with the class. Yea...
First we met for lunch at 11.31. but in the end only marc reach on time. haha. initial plan: hotpot culture but we decided to have chicken culture-Kenny Rogers. went to marina square rooftop to cam-whore. chopped place at esplanade colours bt the bay for a good view of fireworks display. waited for the others to arrive too.

as the night light shine on us, our spirit began glowing. Let's get HIGH... we were damn high, thanks to one ang-moh couple who were from holland. the waves the screaming...but there were 3 other who were not that nice though. smoked cigar in front of us...

as the new year begin, we wished each other happy new year under the sky of colourful fireworks and our beautiful hoarse voice.
here are all my photos
Album I
Album II Album IIILabels: Countdown 2008